Reading, writing, and critical thinking are never separate processes; consequently, your efforts to attend class, do all required work, and behave in a manner consistent with building a learning community are important. Professionalism is a practice that I try to convey; it is therefore imperative that you conduct yourself in that manner. So, for example, if you were late to your job consistently, you would, without a doubt, be relieved of it. The easiest solution to all of this, of course, is just not to miss. I expect punctuality, alertness, and participation in class discussions and any other in-class activities. Being late is distracting for the rest of us and takes us away from the task at hand, so please show up on time. If you're habitually late (5 minutes or later), I will ask you to have a conference with me to discuss your progress and/or submit an academic progress report to the Dean's Office. Your overall grade will be jeopardized. Believe it or not, weddings, funerals, non-emergency illnesses (colds, flus, hangovers), missing a flight home from a weekend are not excusable absences. Make your holiday and summer plans once you have your syllabi with dates for tests and assignments. Other than in cases of ongoing issues, please don't e-mail me about missing a class. As odd as it sounds, be judicious and plan your absences. You should also exchange contact information with at least one of your classmates to find out what you've missed.
Missing four classes = missing two weeks of classes = failing attendance with reduced points in participation at my discretion
Missing five classes = failing both attendance and participation
Missing six classes = missing three weeks of classes = failing the course (other than in extenuating circumstances, for which documentation is generally required; see below)
***You are responsible for keeping track of your attendance***
Long-term medical or emergency absences
The best way to deal with an unexpected illness or family situation, et cetera is to get in touch with me right away. I want to work with you to develop a plan that will ensure you don't fall far behind. However, in the event that you would miss more than three weeks of class, I will support your petition to drop the course.
Of course, extenuating circumstances (such as death in the family, documented illness, but not break-ups, hangovers, weddings, stress, birthdays, holidays, etc.) will pardon you from some of these policies. But, please talk to me before you get yourself to a place from which you cannot recover grade-wise and knowledge-wise.
Note: Neither attendance nor participation are open to negotiation, discussion, or debate.