Plagiarism can be truly one of the grayest areas as well as one of the most important for you to understand for your continued success in college and in life. Keep in mind that plagiarism is stealing and cheating. Of course, we all get ideas from other people; however, we interpret their ideas in our own way and let them back out into the world with a new spin. Don’t be fooled: Plagiarism is easy to detect!
If you use another person's thoughts or words, either by quoting or paraphrasing, you must cite it in the document as well as in your "Works Cited" page. You may not copy a paragraph, a single sentence or any phrasing from another source and presenting it as your own. University of Redlands enforces strict standards with regards to academic honesty, and students may fail the assignment, fail the course, or be called up to the adjudicating machinery of the University. If you are confused about whether or not you’re plagiarizing, please talk to me before you turn in your paper. If you get confused about proper citation practices, please see me before turning in any work.
Failure to credit ideas or words that are not your own through proper documentaion is a form of plagiarism and will result in an automatic failure for the course as well as other academic consequences decided by the Academic Review Board. I’d rather your paper begin in disarray rather than with another’s words.
Before turning in your first assignment, you may be required to do an online plagiarism and MLA quiz. In the event that this is a listed assignment for the class, I will not accept work from any student until they have completed this assignment.
Below are some links to help you avoid plagiarism:
University of Wisconsin Writing Center Page
OWL Purdue Website
Harvard University Page
MLA Plagiarism Handout (MLA, 8th edition, 2016)
You should talk to me if you have any questions or need clarification. Make sure to do it before you turn in any work!