Alternative News and Commentary
on the September 11th Terrorist Attack and its Aftermath

HERE to take you to the new, expanded page
on Alternatives to the War)

For more on the
threat to civil liberties, see this site's
Eroding Liberties page

White House web site (search for President Bush's Speeches)
background materials from the National Security Archive |
organizational chart of the Administration's counter-terrorism
initiatives (chemical-biological weapons branch) |
A right-wing report entitled
Civilization: How Our Universities are Failing America and What Can Be Done
About It", by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni.
Webmaster's Note:
For those of us who lived through the McCarthyism of the early 1950s,
the FBI repression of the late 1960s, and the Reagan attacks on free
speech in the early 1980s, this is a scary document. Note
that its selective quotes and overall rhetoric lump all dissenters with
the terrorists. Are we starting down this road again? -- js |
2nd Note:
ACTA took so much flak for publishing this "report" that it
changed the original version by removing specific professor's names,
substituting such things as "Professor of _______ at
MIT". This seems to blame schools, not individuals, but it
still encourages repression, takes quotes out of context, and equates
honest questions with disloyalty. I'll raise their grade from
"F" to "D" -- and still flunk them for
intellectual dishonesty! |
response from the American Association of Colleges &
Universities web site |
Here's a way to fight back: Join the

Information about Pacifism and
Conscientious Objection:

Animations by Mark Fiori:
Boondocks Cartoons
Are We Still the Good Guys???

The Following Sections Have
Been Moved to Other Pages on This Site
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page on the Middle East)
HERE to take you to the new, expanded
page on the Middle East)
HERE to take you to the new, expanded
page on the Middle East)
HERE to take you to the new, expanded page
on Alternatives to the War)

© by Jim Spickard