Prob. 2: 7.15e33 kg m2/s
Prob. 3: 2608 m/s
Prob. 4:
(a) Positive
(b) Negative
(c) The Same As
(d) Zero
(e) Negative
Prob. 5: 3.3e-13 J
Prob. 6: < 4.6, 5.6, -7.76 > kg m/s
Prob. 7: K+U is horizontal and negative
Prob. 8:
rhat = r/rmag
F = Fmag*rhat
alpha.p = alpha.p + F*deltat
silver.p = silver.p - F*deltat
Prob. 9:
(a) 0.5, 1.5, 4.0, 1.0, 3.5, 2.5 eV
(b) 2.5, 3.5, 4.0 eV
Prob. 10: 3.09 m/s
Prob. 11:
(a) <13.4, -1.40, 0> m/s
(b) 9135 J
Prob. 12:
(a) 170 K
(b) 3.5e-23 J/K
Prob. 13:
(a) sqrt(2Fd/(M+4m))
(b) sqrt(2FL/(0.5MR2+4mb2))