Like many scholars, some of my articles are beginning to appear on the Web. This makes them much more available
than they might otherwise be, especially given library cutbacks and journal cancellations. On the other hand,
posting everything to the Web makes it much harder for publishers to make a living. If they go out of business,
then all authors suffer.
THE FIRST SECTION consists of Web links to a small number of
my published articles, for each of which I own the copyright.
One is in an online journal and another is a working paper
that I prepared for Harvard's Weatherhead Center. The third appeared in a professional newsletter that is not
apt to be found in libraries; I have posted the article as well as the link
to that the newsletter.
"Human Rights, Religious Conflict, and Globalization: Ultimate Values in a New World Order."
Management of Social Transformations (MOST)
Journal on Cultural Pluralism (UNESCO), 1/1 May 1999.
Journalism? Ethnography as a Means of Understanding Religious Social
Activism." PRPES
Working Papers #36, Program in Religion, Political Economy and
Society, Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard
University, September, 2003.
(The Weatherhead Center recently pulled their online Working Paper site,
so I've posted the paper here.) |
 | "Religion
and Globalization" Published in the Newsletter of the
American Sociological Association Section on Religion, Fall 2001,
p4. The full newsletter is
posted at |
I have also posted three articles that were published in
other countries, in two cases in other languages. The first was
published in English in a book that is now out-of-print. The second
was published in a Danish journal -- a language that most folks in the U.S.
have not mastered. (Neither have I, though I can read it well enough
to be reasonably sure that the published version says what I intended.)
The third was a conference paper, published in Bulgarian. Treat this
as a working paper, as I have no idea what the published version actually
And I have posted text and software for a computer simulation of a
rational-choice model of religion. The article appeared in a
festschrift for an honored Norwegian colleague: Religion in Late Modernity:
Essays in Honor of Pål Repstad, edited by Inger Furseth and Paul
Leer-Salveson. Trondheim: Tapir Academic Press, 2007. Of course, they
couldn't include the software in the book, nor the illustrations in color.
I've posted both here.
The SECOND SECTION contains two articles and a review from the journal
Sociology of Religion (formerly Sociological Analysis), which
is the copyright holder.
I received permission from the
for the Sociology of Religion to reprint the first of these -- an older article on Navajo
ceremonies. The second article and the review were posted at, perhaps without permission,
though I'm not sure. They've posted a bunch of my other reviews,
though, which makes me think that they've worked out something with the
journal. On the other hand, they haven't reprinted everything I've
published there, not even all the recent stuff.
Click here for a list of all the material they've reprinted. The
review below is my favorite, as it contains a few real ideas.
THIRD, I have posted a few conference
papers that contain some interesting ideas.
None has appeared in print. Some were never intended for
publication and I abandoned others as interesting but flawed. I have so many other projects going that
I am not apt to do so anything with these any
time soon.
"Couched Symbols: A Response to Current Psychoanalytic Thinking in the Sociology
of Religion"
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Houston,
October 22, 2000. |
"What Makes Jackie Protest? Towards a Neo-Weberian Rethinking of
Social Movement Action Theory."
Presented at the 1996 Annual Meeting of the Pacific Sociological
Society, Seattle, WA.
Written early 1996. |
“Healing, the Individual Search for Meaning, and Modernity.”
(PDF file)
A talk for the Seminar on Spirituality, Hope and Meaning in the
Process of Healing
Program for Social Studies in Medicine, University of Southern
Denmark, Odense 9/07 |
FINALLY, I have posted a completed chapter from a long-abandoned book.
I use the chapter in my Human Rights course, as a clear
summary of the issues that surrounded the Universal Declaration's 1948
adoption. I encountered conceptual difficulties with the book of
which it was supposed to be a part, however, so I laid the project aside
and have not picked it up for ten years. I shall likely work on this
topic in the future, but not for a few more years and in a very different
intellectual form. Who knows whether this chapter will fit in?
In case it does not, there is no point in sticking it in
some drawer, subject to what Marx called "the gnawing criticism of the
HERE to see a reasonably full list of my scholarly work (PDF file).