Class Rules
Here is a list of rules I expect to be followed in my classroom. Some
should be obvious to all college students, but I have found they are
not. So, I have decided to write them down. This is not an
inclusive list!
- You are responsible for everything said in class! This includes
announcements, topics, facts, information, etc. Not knowing something
is assigned is not an excuse for not doing it!
- You are responsible for everything assigned in the readings. If I
don't mention it in class, but it is in the assigned reading, you are
- Announcements will be made at the beginning of class! Show up on
time and you won't miss them. Otherwise, well it's tough to do
something when you don't know what it is, but you ARE still
responsible for it.
- No late assignments will be accepted. However, early assignments
are always welcome and can be slid under my office door.
- Class is not the time to discuss logistics. Questions about
anything other than that week's material (for example, a question
about a returned assignment) should not be asked in lecture or
immediately before lecture. Those are questions for office
- If you want a friend to be able to pick up homework for you when
you will be absent, YOU need to call or e-mail me in advance with the
name of the person who will pick up your assignments.
- All assignments will be done in standard blue or black ink or they
will not be graded. This means: no pencil, no red ink, and ABSOLUTELY
NO glitter ink. Pencil may be used on homework assignments.
- All assignments will be easy to read or they will not be graded
(and will, therefore, get no credit).
You should write legibly or type, if necessary.
- No one is allowed to join group activities late. This includes
labs. Once an activity has begun (and it begins when I start
explaining it), no one new can join in.
- Homework is due at the beginning of class. None will be accepted
after they are collected so don't come in late.
- As for turning in assignments: You are responsible for getting
them to me. Giving them to a friend, sending them by e-mail, putting
in my mailbox are acceptable, but you are responsible for me getting
it. In other words, if you send it to the wrong e-mail address, this
is your fault and your homework will not be graded.If your friend
looses it, it is still your fault and you will be the one who misses