Introduction to Blackboard
Text-based Tutorial
Exercise Files
Movie Tutorials
Blackboard Communication
Text-based Tutorial
Exercise Files
Movie Tutorials
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Blackboard is University of Redlands course management system used for the online delivery of course material. Blackboard allows instructors to post their syllabi, lecture notes, announcements, PowerPoint presentations, assignments, quizzes, and grades online for students to access at anytime. Blackboard also includes interactive features such as discussion boards and virtual chat rooms.
This site provides text-based tutorials, movie tutorials, and exercise files that cover many of the features that can be utilized in Blackboard. Click on the links below or use the navigation bar on the left to access the learning resources available on this site.
Introduction to Blackboard covers all aspects of Blackboard. This tutorial provides an overview of the most commonly used features within Blackboard, such as logging into Blackboard, accessing and navigating your course, using the announcements page, adding a syllabus, images, assignments, and external links. The Introduction to Blackboard movies are based on the following text-based tutorial.
Movie Tutorials
The following movie files accompany the Introduction to Blackboard tutorial. Each movie is designed to show you visually how to make use of a particular feature in Blackboard. To view a movie, double click on the name of the movie. The movie will open using the Flash player. If you do not have the Flash player - click here to learn more. [top]
The Blackboard Communication Tools tutorial provides an overview of five ways to communicate with students using Blackboard. In this tutorial you will learn how to use Blackboard's e-mail function, announcements page, digital drop box, discussion board, and gradebook.
Movie Tutorials
The following movie files accompany the Blackboard Communication Tools tutorial. Each movie is designed to show you visually how to make use of a particular feature in Blackboard. To view a movie, double click on the name of the movie. The movie will open using the Flash player. If you do not have the Flash player - click here to learn more. [top]
Help and Support
Download Flash Player
Flash player is needed to view the movie tutorials. If you do not have the current Flash player, click on the Flash player icon below to download the software.
Blackboard Support
Kimberly Perna
(909)748-8316 or ext. 8316
Catherine Walker
(909)748-8321 or ext. 8321