Greg Thorson

Director, Public Policy Program

Ken and Lynn Hall Endowed Chair of Public Policy

Department of Government

University of Redlands

1200 East Colton Avenue

Hall of Letters 306

Redlands, CA 92373

Phone: (909)748-8636


Web Page:



Public Policy, Education Policy, Health Care Policy, Quantitative Methods, American Government and Politics



                                                Tenure Track

                                                2008 Ð Present           Ken and Lynn Hall Endowed Chair of

                                                                                    Public Policy

                                                                                    University of Redlands

2010 Ð Present           Professor of Government

                                    University of Redlands

2001 Ð 2008                Associate Professor of Political Science

                                    University of Minnesota at Morris     

                                                1995 - 2001                 Assistant Professor of Political Science

                                                                                    University of Minnesota at Morris


                                                2013 Ð Present           Director, Public Policy Program

                                                                                    University of Redlands

                                                1996 Ð 2007                Chair, Political Science Department

                                                                                    University of Minnesota at Morris



            Ph.D. -            Political Science, 1995.                                                                                   University of California at Riverside.

                                    Dissertation Chair: Barbara Sinclair

                                                                        Major Areas:   American Political Institutions

                                                                                                American Political Processes

                                                                        Minor Area:    Research Methods

                                                                        Graduated Summa Cum Laude          

M.A. -             Political Science, University of California

at Riverside, 1993

                                                B.A. -              Political Science, May 1988.  Augsburg College,

Minneapolis, MN.

Graduated Magna Cum Laude



Thorson, Gregory R. 2015. ÒShould You Choose a Career in Public

            Policy?Ó In Kishor VaidyaÕs Public Policy for the Curious:

            Why Study Public Policy. Curious Academic Publishing.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Matthew H. Gutierrez. 2012. ÒShould We Wait for

Superman? Evaluating the Performance of of Charter Schools in the Greater

Los Angeles Area.Ó Final Grant Report Published by the John Randolph

Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation.


Thorson, Gregory R and Matthew H Gutierrez.  2012.  ÒUsing Clickers to Enhance

            the Classroom Experience.Ó  The Western. Volume 4, Issue 1. pp 5-13. 

            Sacramento, CA: Western Political Science Association.


Thorson, Gregory R, Joel Dueth, Jacob Anderson, Katherine Clark, Brad Coulombe,

Joel Deuth, Dan Moore, Evan Mowry, Hilary Opatz, and Christopher Yard.

2008.  ÒTowards a Better Understanding of Rural Homelessness: An

Examination of Housing Crisis in a Small, Rural Minnesota Community.Ó

Morris, MN: Center for Small Towns.


Thorson, Gregory R., Tasina Nitzschke, and Nicholas J. Maxwell. 2007.

ÒTesting the Three Theories of Legislative Organization: An Examination of Rule Assignments during the Postreform Period.Ó  Congress and the Presidency.

Number 2. 34: 23-34.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Jessica Anderson. 2006. ÒThe Minnesota Miracle

Abandoned? Changes in Minnesota School Funding, 2001-2007Ó. Rural

Minnesota Journal. Mankato, Minnesota: Center for Rural Policy and

Development. September 2006: 27-44. 


Thorson, Gregory R., Neil Lindsheid, and Tara Schmidt.  2005.  ÒThe Search for

Affordable Health Care in Rural Minnesota: Prospects and Problems for Market

Based Solutions.Ó  Published jointly by the Center for Small Towns and the

West Central Regional Sustainable Development Partnership.  


Thorson, Gregory R.  2005.  Review of Sarah BinderÕs ÒStalemate: Causes and

            Consequences of Legislative GridlockÓ.  Journal of Politics: 67:611-612.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Zoe Wong. 2004. ÒResource Distribution and Rural

Minnesota Schools.Ó  Published in Consortium Connections, a publication of

The Children, Youth, and Family Consortium.  Volume: 13, Number 1.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Tara Schmidt.  ÒA Health Care System in Critical Condition:

            Evidence of the Declining Affordability of Health Care Insurance and the

            Erosion of Health Care Infrastructure in West Central Minnesota.Ó  Published

            By the Center for Small Towns, November 2003.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Nicholas J. Maxwell.  ÒSmall Schools Under Siege:

Evidence of Resource Inequality in Minnesota SchoolsÓ.  Published

by the Center for Rural Policy, August 2002.


Thorson, Gregory R. 2002. Review of Timothy J. BarnettÕs ÒLegislative Learning:

            The 104th Republican Freshmen in the House.Ó  American Political Science

Review. 96:202.


Thorson, Gregory R. 2001. Review of Wendy J. SchillerÕs ÒPartners and Rivals:

            Representation in U.S. Senate Delegations.Ó Congress and the         

            Presidency. 28: 108-109.


Thorson, Gregory R. and former UMM student Tasina Nitzschke. 2000. "Politics and

 Policy in The 103rd and 104th Congresses: Evaluating the Effects of Divided

Government in The Postreform Era." Congress and the Presidency. 27: 1-24.


Edmondson, Jacqueline., Gregory R. Thorson, and David Fluegel. 2000. ÒSearching

For Solutions: The Community Vision Process in Herman, MN.Ó Educational

Leadership, a publication of the Association for Supervision and Curriculum

Development. 57: 51-53.


            Thorson, Gregory R. and Jacqueline Edmondson. 2000.  ÒMaking Difficult Times

                        Worse: The Impact of Per Pupil Funding Formulas on Rural Minnesota

                        Schools.Ó  Published by the Center for Rural Policy and Development,

                        Minnesota State University, Mankato as well as by the U.S. Department

of EducationÕs Educational Information Resource Center (ERIC)



Thorson, Gregory R. Introduction to American Government: An On-Line Reader.  

2000.  An on-line reader with accompanying notes and web site links for use in introductory American government courses. 


Thorson, Gregory R. 1999. Review of Nicol C. RaeÕs ÒConservative Reformers: The

Republican Freshmen and the Lessons of the104th CongressÓ.  American

Political Science Review. 93.4: 981-982.


            Stambough, Stephen J. and Gregory R. Thorson. 1999. " Towards Stability in

                        Presidential Forecasting: The Development of a Multiple Indicator Model".

                        International Journal of Forecasting. 15:143-152.


Thorson, Gregory R. 1998.  "Divided Government and the Passage of Partisan

Legislation, 1947-1990." Political Research Quarterly. 51.3: 751-764.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Stephen J. Stambough. 1995. "Anti-Incumbency and the

1992 Elections: The Changing Face of Presidential Coattails."  Journal of

Politics. 57. 1: 210-220.



Thorson, Gregory R., and Codie Specketer.  Pomme de Terre Park Improvement

            Plan.  Project Completed August 2001.


Thorson, Gregory R., Jacquelyn Edmondson, and David Fluegel.  Strategic Plan for

the Morris Area School District.  Project Completed May 2000.


Thorson, Gregory R., Jacquelyn Edmondson, and David Fluegel. Strategic Plan for

The Herman-Norcross School District.  Project completed in the Spring of



            Thorson, Gregory R. City of Morris Comprehensive Plan. Project Completed for the

City of Morris, January 1999.



            Thorson, Gregory R. and Leslie Krafft. ÒDo NCLB Sanctions Unfairly Target Poor,

                        Minority Schools?Ó


            Thorson, Gregory R. and Leslie Krafft. ÒWhy Have Americans Lost Faith in Their

                        Schools?: Declining Public Support for the American Educational System

                        And Its Policy ImplicationsÓ.


            Thorson, Gregory R. ÒThe Rise of Inequality, the Decline of the Middle Class, and

                        Educational OutcomesÓ.


            Thorson, Gregory R., Renee VanVechten and Brian Webster. ÒBudget Rules, Parties,

                        Or Polarization? A Test of Competing Explanations as to the Causes of

                        CaliforniaÕs Budget GridlockÓ.


            Thorson, Gregory R. ÒPreparing TomorrowÕs Public Servants at the Undergraduate

                        Level: The Creation of a New Interdiscipinary Undergraduate Public Policy

                        Major at the University of RedlandsÓ.



ÒThe Impact of Divided Government on Coalition Formation in the U.S. Congress.Ó

            Dissertation Adviser: Barbara Sinclair



Thorson, Gregory R. ÒInequality Implications of School ReformsÓ. I served

            as discussant of this panel at the Association for Public Policy

            Analysis and Management (APPAM) International Conference in

            London, June 13-14, 2016.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒPipelines and Postsecondary Degree ChoicesÓ.

            I served as chair of this panel at the Association for Public Policy

            Analysis and Management (APPAM) International Conference in

            London, June 13-14, 2016.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒThe Impact of NCLB Sanctions on School Performance.Ó

            Paper to be Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association

            For Public Policy Analysis and Management in Miami,

            November 12-14, 2015.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒThe Impact of Economic Inequality on State Educational

            OutcomesÓ. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association

            for Public Policy Analysis and Management in Albuquerque,

November 6-8, 2014. 


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒThe Rise of Inequality, the Decline of the Middle Class, and

            Educational Outcomes.Ó Paper Presented at the Annual International

            Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management

            in Segovia, Spain, September 29-30, 2014.


Thorson, Gregory R. "Do No Child Left Behind Sanctions Unfairly Target Poor,

Minority Schools?" Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American

Political Science Association in Washington, D.C., August 28-31, 2014.


Thorson, Gregory R. "Why Have Americans Lost Faith In Their Schools?

Declining Public Support for the American Educational System and its Policy

Implications". Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American

Political Science Association in Washington, D.C., August 28-31, 2014.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒPreparing TomorrowÕs Public Servants at the Undergraduate

Level: The Creation of a New Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Public Policy
Major at the University of RedlandsÓ. Paper Presented at the Spring Conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management,

April 12, 2014.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒCharter School Management: Cyber Schools and Performance.Ó

            I chaired this panel at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational

            Research Association in Philadelphia, April 3-7, 2014.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒCharter School Funding, Funding Applications, and Teacher

Retention.Ó I chaired this panel at the Annual Meeting of the American

Educational Research Association in Philadelphia, April 3-7, 2014.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Matthew H. Gutierrez.  ÒEvaluating the Performance of

Charter Schools In the Greater Los Angeles AreaÓ.  Paper Presented at the

Annual Meeting of the Association for Public Policy Analysis & Management

In Baltimore, November 2012.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Matthew H. Gutierrez.  ÒDo Charter Schools Measure Up?

                        An Evaluation of Charter School Performance in the Greater Los Angeles

AreaÓ.  Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American

                        Political Science Association in New Orleans, September 2012 (Canceled Due

To Hurricane Isaac).


Thorson, Gregory R. and Matthew H. Gutierrez.  ÒShould We Wait for Superman?

Evaluating the Performance of Charter Schools in the Greater Los Angeles Area.Ó  Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Vancouver, April 2012.


Thorson, Gregory R.  ÒNew Developments in Public Policy TheoriesÓ.  I chaired this

            Panel at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association in

            Seattle, September 2011.        


Thorson, Gregory R., Renee Van Vechten, and Brien Webster.  ÒAre the Causes of

CaliforniaÕs Budget Gridlock Structural? An Examination of CaliforniaÕs

Budget Rules, Political Parties, and Ideological Polarization Since 1900? Paper

Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association

In Washington DC, April 2010.


Thorson, Gregory R., Renee Van Vechten, and Brien Webster.  ÒBudget Rules,

Parties, or Polarization? A Test of Competing Explanations as to the Causes of

California''s Budget Gridlock .   Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of

the Western Political Science Association in San Francisco, April 2010.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒUnderstanding the Proposed Federal Health Care Reforms.Ó

            Keynote Address at the Healthcare Reform & the Impact on Your Business

            forum held at Cal State San Bernardino, February 2010.  Sponsored by Cal

            State San Bernardino, the Business Alliance, the American Marketing

            Association, and the County of San Bernardino Workforce Investment Board.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒClosing Educational Attainment Gaps: Problem Definition,

Measurement, and Policy Strategies.Ó Paper Presented at the Annual

Meeting of the American Political Science Association in Toronto,

September 2009.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Kimberly Perna.  ÒUsing Student Response Systems to

                        Promote Student Learning.Ó  Presented at the Annual Meeting of

                        Educause West in San Francisco, April 2009.


Thorson, Gregory R.  ÒClosing the Educational Attainment Gap: Problem Definition,

Measurement, and Policy Entrepreneurship.Ó  Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association in Vancouver, March 2009.


Stambough Stephen. J. and Gregory R. Thorson.  ÒE-mail and Campaign Interaction:

The Impact of Party, Office, and Candidate Type on the use of campaign e-mails.Ó  Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of The American Political

Science Association in Chicago, August 2007.


Thorson, Gregory R.  ÒOptions for Lowering Health Care Premiums for

                        Small Minnesota Rural Businesses: A White PaperÓ.  Presented at ÒHealthy

                        Connections: Healthy Landscapes, Healthy PeopleÓ, a forum held by

                        the West Central Regional Sustainable Development Partnership in Willmar,

                        MN, November 16, 2006. 


Thorson, Gregory R. and Jessica Anderson.  ÒThe Minnesota Miracle Abandoned?

Changes in Minnesota School Funding, 2001-2007Ó.  Presented at the Center for Rural Policy and DevelopmentÕs Rural Minnesota Forum held in St. Paul on November 15, 2006.


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒThe Effects of Funding Education through Fixed Per-Pupil

            Formulas: Evidence of Resource Inequality between Large and Small

Schools.Ó Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science

            Association in Philadelphia, August 31-September 3, 2006.


Thorson, Gregory R., Valerie OÕRegan, and Stephen J. Stambough.  ÒUnderstanding

The Changing Dynamics of the Gender Gap in American Presidential

Elections, 1952-2004Ó.  Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the

American Political Science Association in Washington, DC, September 1-4,



Thorson, Gregory R., Jacqueline Edmondson, and Nicholas J. Maxwell.

ÒTowards a Better Understanding of the Origins and Consequences of

Inequality in Public School Funding: Measuring the Consequences of Fixed

Per Pupil Funding Formulas on Small, Rural Schools.Ó Paper Presented at the

Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association in Chicago,

April 7-10, 2005.


Thorson, Gregory R., Layne Anderson, and Cody Specketer.

ÒThe Strategic Use of Self-Executing Rules by the House Majority Party

 Leadership, 1991-1998.Ó Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the

American Political Science Association in Boston, August 2002.


Thorson, Gregory R. and Nicholas Maxwell J. Maxwell.  ÒSmall Schools Under

Siege: Evidence of Resource Inequality in Minnesota SchoolsÓ.  Public Event

Held for Release of Our Paper at Arrowwood Resort in Alexandria, MN,

August 7, 2002.  Speakers Discussing the Paper Included Lieutenant

Governor Mae Schunk and Chair of the Senate P-12 Education Committee

Leroy Stumpf.


Served as a Discussant on a Panel of State Legislative Analysts at a Mini-conference

Held by the Minnesota Rural Education Association in Alexandria on

September 27, 2001.


Thorson, Gregory R., Nicholas J. Maxwell and Tasina Nitzschke.  ÒStrategic Decision

Making and the  Invoking of Cloture in the U.S. Senate.Ó  Paper Presented at

The Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association in San

Francisco, September 2001.


Thorson, Gregory R.  ÒUsing Service Learning to Teach Public Policy:

            The Case of the Morris Ethanol Plant.Ó  Service Learning Workshop

            Attended at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association

            in San Francisco, September 2001.


Thorson, Gregory R., Tasina Nitzschke, and Nicholas J. Maxwell.  ÒThe Rules

Committee as an Arm of the Majority Party Leadership: An Examination of

Rule Assignment in the Postreform House.Ó  Paper Presented at the Annual

Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association in Chicago, April 2001.


Edmondson, Jacquelyn and Gregory R. Thorson.  ÒMaking Difficult Times Worse:

The Impact of Per Pupil Funding on Rural Minnesota Schools.Ó  Paper

presented at the American Educational Research Association national

conference in New Orleans, July 2000.


            Thorson, Gregory R. and UMM students Jason Lina and Lynnae Glieden.

ÒEvaluating the Effects of the Reform Period on Committee Composition in the

U.S. House  Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the

American Political Science Association in Atlanta, September 1999.


            Thorson, Gregory R. ÒMajority Party Power and Legislative Success in the

                        U.S. House of Representatives.Ó  I chaired this panel at the Annual

                        Meeting of the American Political Science Association in Atlanta,

                        September 1999.


Thorson, Gregory R. and UMM student Tasina Nitzschke. ÒThe Senate Filibuster and

the Moderation of Policy Outcomes: Truth or Myth?Ó Paper Presented at the

Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting in Chicago, April 1999.


            Thorson, Gregory R. and UMM student Tasina Nitzschke. "The House Rules

Committee: A Test of the Three Theories of Legislative Organization." Paper

Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science

Association (Boston) in September 1998.  Discussant: Steve Smith


            Thorson, Gregory R. and UMM student Tasina Nitzschke. "Examining the Effects of

Divided Government: A Comparison of the 103rd and 104th Congresses."

Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science

Association (Chicago) in April 1998.


            Thorson, Gregory R. ÒCommittee Coalitions and Special Rules in the House of

                        Representatives.Ó  Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the

                        American Political Science Association (San Francisco) in September

                        1996. Other panelist: Stanley Bach, CRS


            Thorson, Gregory R. ÒUnited Government That Mattered: The 103rd Congress.Ó

                        Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political

                        Science Association (Chicago) in April 1996.  Discussant: David Mayhew


Thorson, Gregory R. ÒThe Effects of Divided Government on Committee Coalitions

and Rule Determination." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American

Political Science Association (New York) in September 1994.


            Thorson, Gregory R. and Stephen J. Stambough. "Understanding the Gender Gap

through the Paradigm of the Michigan Model." Presented at the Annual

Meeting of the American Political Science Association (New York) in

September 1994.


            Thorson, Gregory R. "Does Divided Government Matter? A Reevaluation of

Mayhew's Thesis." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political

Science Association (Chicago) in April 1994.

            Thorson, Gregory R. and Stephen J. Stambough. "The Proof is in the Pudding: The

Successes and Failures of Presidential Vote Forecasting Models." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Washington D.C.) in September 1993.


            Thorson, Gregory R. and Stephen J. Stambough. "The Case of the Vanishing

Marginals: Perot's Effect on Congressional Margins." Presented at the

Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association Annual Meeting

(Pasadena) in March 1993.    


Stambough, Stephen J. and Gregory R. Thorson. "Understanding Coattails: A

Reexamination of the Basic Theory." Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association Annual Meeting (Chicago) in September 1992.



            ÒInternational Educators WorkshopÓ. Sponsored by the DIS Study Abroad

                        in Scandinavia Program. October 2016.


ÒIntroduction to Panel DataÓ. Paid Online Course Offered by Stata. Five Week Course

Completed in Summer 2016.


ÒLinear Models in StataÓ. Paid Online Course Offered by The Analysis Factor. Seven

Week Course Completed in Summer 2016.


            ÒIntro to ProgrammingÓ. Paid Online Course Offered by Stata. Five Week

Course Completed In Spring 2016.


            Ò Intro to Statistical Graphics Using StataÓ. Paid Online Course Offered by Stata.

Six Week Course Completed in Spring 2016.


ÒManaging Data and Optimizing Output in StataÓ. Paid Online Course Offered by

The Analysis Factor. Six Week Course Completed in Summer 2015.


Annual Meeting of the Allied Social Science Associations (including the American

                        Economic Association). Held January 3-5, 2014 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.


ÒPower of the Past Ð Force for the Future.Ó Annual Meeting of the Association

                        For Public Policy Analysis & Management. Held November 7-9, 2013

                        In Washington, DC.


ÒStata Thematic Mapping and Spatial Analysis.Ó Workshop conducted by

Timberlake Econometrics Consultancy at the Subotnick Financial Services

Center in New York, NY. August 2, 2013.


ÒStata Elements.Ó Workshop conducted by Timberlake Econometrics Consultancy

                        at the Subotnick Financial Services Center in New York, NY. August 1, 2013.


ÒUsing the National Longitudinal Surveys of Youth for Education Research.Ó

                        Held at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association

                        In San Francisco, CA. April 29, 2013.

ÒPropensity Score Matching Using R.Ó Professional Development Course

                        Held at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association

                        In San Francisco, CA. April 28, 2013.


National Academy of Social Insurance. ÒMedicare and Social Security

                        In a Time of Budget Austerity.Ó Held in Washington, DC January 31 Ð

February 1, 2013.


Esri International User Conference.  Held in San Diego, July 2012.


            Esri Education GIS Conference. Held in San Diego, July 2012.


            Fall Research Conference for the Association for Public Policy & Management

(APPAM).  Held in Washington, DC, November 2011.


            Education Summit. ÒExploring the Implications of the Reauthorization of

                        ESEA: Addressing No Child Left Behind.Ó  Conference held at

                        California State University, San Bernardino on May 17, 2011.


            EdSource Forum. ÒThe Future for Public Education in California.Ó

                        March 18, 2011.  Irvine, CA.


            Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association. ÒInciting

                        the Social Imagination: Education Research for the Public Good.Ó

                        Conference held in New Orleans, LA from April 8-12, 2011.


GeoDesign Workshop. Participant in GeoDesign Workshop that Tested Alternative

Models for Community Land Use Decision-Making.  Plans for Transit Oriented

Development (TOD) and Conservancy Land Use Plan Developed for the City of Redlands.  Facilitator: Karl Steinitz.  Held at the University of Redlands,

January 10-14, 2011.


            Ò2011 GeoDesign SummitÓ.  Hosted by Esri in Redlands, CA. January 6-7, 2011.


            GeoDesign Workshop. Taught by ESRIÕs Bill Miller. October 4, 2010.


ÒRestructuring & Recovery: Fall 2009 Inland Empire Economic Update.Ó

            Sponsored by the University of Redlands and Beacon Economics.

            Held on November 18, 2009 at the University of Redlands.


ÒRecession or Depression in 2009? How bad is it really going to get?Ó

            Sponsored by the University of Redlands and Beacon Economics. 

Held on May 19, 2009 at the University of Redlands. .


ÒWhere From Here: The 2008 Inland Empire Economic Forecast Conference.Ó

            Sponsored by the University of Redlands and Beacon Economics.  Held on

October 29, 2008 at the National Orange Show Events Center in San



 ÒHealth Care Reform: Time for Another Minnesota Miracle?Ó  Hosted by the Center

For Rural Policy and Development in Duluth, MN.  June 18, 2007.


            Minnesota Rural Health Conference.  ÒGrowing Healthy Rural Communities.Ó  Held

In Duluth, MN on June 19, 2007.


2006 Rural Summit.  ÒWorking Better Together for the Common Good.Ó Held in

Conjunction with the Symposium on Small Towns.  Held June 6-7, 2007 at the

University of Minnesota at Morris.


2005 Minnesota Rural Summit.  ÒThe Great Reconnect - Bridging Rural & Urban

Resources for Community & Economic Success.  Held July 28-29, 2005 at

St. JohnÕs University in Collegeville, MN.


Third Annual Symposium on Small Towns.  Served as panel discussant on

The Future of Rural Policy Panel.  June 8, 2005.  Held June 7-8, 2005 at



Midwest Political Science Undergraduate Research Conference.  Served as

Chair and Discussant for the Panel, ÒThe Interaction Between Policy and

Institutions.Ó Held March 3-5, 2005, at UMM.


Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association.  Held in

Philadelphia.  August 28-30.


            ÒRural Minnesota: A Century of Change.Ó First Annual Symposium on Small Towns.

                        Hosted by the Center for Small Towns at the University of Minnesota at

                        Morris. June 10, 2003.


            ÒUnicameral Legislature: Promise and Performance.Ó  Minnesota Political Science

                        Association Annual Conference.  Held at St. Cloud State University on

                        October 30, 1999.



            ÒWriting Across the Curriculum WorkshopÓ.  Four-day workshop held at the

            University of Redlands.  Completed in February 2011.


            ÒWeb 2.0 Ð Emerging Technologies for the Classroom.Ó  Full Day Workshop

            Sponsored by the University of Redlands Instructional Technology Services.

            Held on August 10, 20010.


            ÒBasics of GIS with ESRI SoftwareÓ.  3 Week Workshop Sponsored by University of

            Redlands Instructional Technology Services.  Held on November 4, 11, and 18, 2009.


            ÒBasics of GIS with ArcMap.Ó  Fundamentals of ArcMap.  Sponsored by University of

            Redlands Instructional Technology Services.  Held on February 4, 2009.     


            ÒLiterature and History Come Alive through Google Earth.Ó Sponsored by the

            University of Redlands Instructional Technology Services.  Held on January 21, 2009. 


            ÒImplementing Podcasting in the Classroom.Ó  Web Conference Simulcast

            at the University of Minnesota at Morris campus.  Hosted by

            Michael Gay, Purdue University.


            "Academic Freedom/Academic Orthodoxy.Ó  University of Minnesota at Morris

            Fall Faculty Workshop 2002.  Held in Glenwood, Minnesota, August 19-20, 2002.


            ÒHow Learning Happens: Making Connections, Constructing Knowledge, Building

            Community.Ó  Faculty Development Conference hosted by The Collaboration

            For the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning.  Bloomington, MN.

            November 1999.


            "Coming Full Circle: Using Assessment to Transform Teaching and Learning"

             Faculty Development Conference hosted by The Collaboration for the

            Advancement of College Teaching and Learning.  Bloomington, MN. 

            November 1998.


"Teaching and Learning in Cyberspace." Faculty Development Conference hosted by The Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning.  Bloomington, MN.  November 1998.


            "Student-Centered Teaching Meets Technology: Converging for a New

            Millenium". Faculty Development Conference hosted by The Collaboration for the

            Advancement of College Teaching and Learning.  Held in Bloomington, MN. 

            November 1997.  Served on a panel, "Developing the Student-Centered Internet

            Course: Issues, Obstacles, Strategies."


            ÒThe Changing Student Body: Teaching for a Brave New World.Ó  Faculty

            Development Conference hosted by The Collaboration for the Advancement of

            College Teaching and Learning.  Held in Bloomington, MN.  November 1996.


            ÒHelping Your Students to Encounter and Accept Diversity.Ó  Workshop Presented by

            the Collaboration for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning at

            Bethel College St. Paul, MN.  April 1996.


            ÒCreating an Active Learning Classroom.Ó  Led by Thomas B. Jones, coauthor of Promoting Active Learning: Strategies for the College Classroom.  University of Minnesota at Morris.  April, 1996.




            Nominated for University of Redlands Mortar Board Professor of the Year, Spring 2016.


            Nominated for University of Redlands Mortar Board Professor of the Year, Spring 2014.  


            Nominated for University of Redlands Faculty Award for Outstanding Service, Spring 2013.        


            Nominated for University of Redlands Mortar Board Professor of the Year, Spring 2013.


            Nominated for University of Redlands Faculty Award for Outstanding Service, Spring 2012.        


            Nominated for University of Minnesota at Morris Alumni Association Teaching Award, Spring 2006, Spring 2002.



            University of Redlands New Faculty Orientation Series.


Advanced Communication Tools in Blackboard: August 2008


Beginning Blackboard: August 2008


Fall Faculty Retreats: 1995 Ð Current


Course in the Protection of Human Research Subjects (CITI).  Completed online

            In October 2006.


University of Minnesota Sponsored Project Management Model and International

Opportunities Workshops.  Held April 27, 1999 in the UMM Student Center.


            University of Minnesota Responsible Conduct in Research Part II Seminar. 

Held March 9, 2000 in Edson Auditorium.


            University of Minnesota Responsible Conduct in Research Part I Seminar.

                        Held October 19, 2000 at the West Central Research and Outreach Center.




            Title: ÒWill California Schools Direct Their New Discretionary Funds Towards

            Poor Children? An Examination of Early LCAP Plans in the Greater Los Angeles


            Period: Summer/Fall 2016

Description: In 2013, California replaced its 40+year old revenue sharing system with a new education finance system that allows local school districts much greater autonomy over their spending. Virtually all categorical funding was replaced with a simplified system of school funding that offers much higher levels of funding for schools that service high-needs students. This grant provides support for writing a much larger grant that examines whether this new money was indeed directed to students in poverty.

Status: Received



            Title: How Will Students Respond to ÒFlippingÓ the Introductory American Politics

            Classroom?: A Field Experiment

            Period: 2014-15

            Description: ÒFlippedÓ the middle third of my introductory course in American

            Politics by producing and posting online video lectures and reserving class time solely

            for discussion.    

            Status: Received       



            Title: Expanding the Capacity of Students in the Social Sciences and Business

            Programs to Engage in Spatial Analysis

            Period: 2015-17

            Description: Dramatically expanded both the amount of available spatial

            data and studentsÕ knowledge about how to analyze it in the undergraduate

            curriculum in the Political Science, Public Policy, Economics, and Business programs.



            Title: Spatial Statistics in the Social Sciences


Description: Modify my quantitative methods course to include spatial statistics and mapping techniques.

Status: Received



Title: Should We Wait for Superman? Evaluating the Performance of Charter Schools in the Greater Los Angeles Area

Period: 2011-12

Description: Examine the effectiveness of charter schools in the Greater Los Angeles area.

Status: Received



Title: Center for Educational Justice at the U of R

Period: 2011-14

Description: Examination of the pedagogical effectiveness of techniques used by    charter schools in California.

Status: Rejected



Title: Closing the Educational Attainment Gap in the Inland Empire:

Problem Definition, Measurement, and Policy Strategies

Period: 2010-11

Description: Examination of the emergence of the various educational attainment gaps in the Inland Empire; Discussion of origins, causes, and policy solutions

Status: Rejected



            Title: Housing Cycles, Educational Outcomes, and Regional Labor Pool Composition Ð

            A Geographic Analysis

            Co-Author: Johannes Moenius

            Period: 2011-14

            Description: Examination of the impact that foreclosures had on educational

            outcomes in Southern Calfornia.

            Status: Rejected        



            Douglas D. Sims Fund for Rural Leadership.

            Period: Winter 2009. 

            Description: Co-authored grant with David Aronson and Bart Finzel for the support

            Of planning efforts aimed at renovating the Morris Theatre.  $10,000 awarded.    



            Period: 2006-07

            Description: I authored a $44,000 grant from the Otto Bremer grant that was funded

            in October 2006 for the purpose of supporting the formation of a Health Care

            Purchasing Alliance in a 12 county area of West Central Minnesota.




            Period: 2005-2008

Description: Wrote sections of the grant that provided over $400,000 to the University of Minnesota at Morris Center for Small Towns and the City of Morris to undertake a variety of projects aimed at improving the quality of housing in the Morris area.



            Period: 2006-2008

Description: Received grant award and attended three weeks of service learning training during the summer of 2006.  I committed to three years of service learning projects.


         Faculty Enrichment Project

            Project Title:  Bush Foundation Faculty Development grant

            Source: Bush Foundation

            Award Period: September 1996-June 1997

            Description:   The program pairs a probationary faculty with a tenured faculty so that

                                    issues that are chosen by the mentee can be explored during frequent discussions.  In addition, the Bush Foundation subsidized the attendance of both mentor and mentee to attend a Bush workshop.


         Educational Development Grant

            Project Title: Establishing Cyber-Sections in the American Government and

                                    Politics Class

            Source: Curriculum Committee, University of Minnesota at Morris

            Award Period: Summer 1996

            Description:  Converted my traditional discussion section into a Òcyber-section,Ó

                                    where students went on Òcyber field-trips,Ó engaged in Òcyber

                                    chat sessionsÓ, and completed their weekly assignments via email.


Faculty Grant to Internationalize Courses at the University of Minnesota at Morris

            Project Title: Internationalizing the Study of Legislative Behavior: Moving Beyond

                        The U.S. Congress

            Source: Center for International Programs

            Award Period: Summer 1996

            Description:  Revised my legislative behavior class so as to incorporate a more                                           comparative politics perspective.  Previously, I covered major theories

                                    Of coalition building and institutional structure as predictors of

            Legislative outcomes in only the United States Congress.  I expanded

            the scope to include non-American legislatures. 


         Bush Foundation Grant

            Period: 2005-2006

            Proposal for Bush Course Development Grant

            Description: With the assistance of this Bush Course Development Grant, I will

            implement student response systems, or ÒclickersÓ, into my classes so that I may

            more accurately assess student learning of the material as well as offer rewards to

            students who come to class prepared.



            Period: 2004-2005

            Recipient of Bush Course Development Grant, Participant in Bush IT Core Group,

            Bush IT Consulting Group

            Description: With the assistance of this Bush Course Development Grant, I

            Successfully integrated a course Wiki into my Constitutional Law class.  Students

            Collaboratively write course briefs that are reviewed and evaluated in class.



            Project Title: Assessment of City Services

            Period: Spring 2003

            Description:   My American Government class is working with the City of

                                    Morris to assess resident satisfaction in many areas of public

                                    policy.  The survey was designed jointly by the class, the Morris

                                    City Council, and the Morris Police Department.



            Project Title: Examining Responses of Citizens toward the Morris Ethanol Plant

            Source: Funding provided by the Corporation for National Service through a

Learn and Serve America Higher Education Grant Coordinated by the

UMM Faculty Center for Learning and Teaching.

            Award Period: Summer 2001

            Description: To teach my class about local politics through a service learning project,

I had my class conduct a telephone survey that measured resident

attitudes to the presence of the ethanol plant in their community.  Our

class also interviewed local political leaders, as well as leaders at the

ethanol plant (Denco) and the recently formed citizen group

Morris Residents for Clean Air.  Students also investigated the history

and the economic impact of the ethanol plant in Morris.  All results

were made public and published on the web and in the local library.


            JSTOR Course Development Grant

         Project Title: Integrating JSTOR Content into the College Curriculum

            Source: JSTOR

            Award Period: Summer 2000

            Description: Improved existing courses so as to integrate the use of top political

                                    Science journals that are stored electronically in JSTOR in order that

                                    Students would become more familiar with the extensive search

                                    functions found within JSTOR as well as become more familiar with

                                    current research published in top political science journals.


         NTNT Development Grant

            Project Title: New Teachers New Technology Grant

            Source: U.S. Department of Education

            Award Period: Summer 2000

            Description: Participated in a series of workshops that focused on the implementation

                                    of new technologies into the classroom, particularly geographic

                                    information systems (GIS) software and advanced web page

                                    development software (Dreamweaver).


         Center for Rural Policy and Development Small Grant II

      Project Title: The Effects of Minnesota's Per Pupil Funding Formula on the Quality of

Education in Rural Minnesota

            Source: Center for Rural Policy and Development, Minnesota State University,


            Award Period: Summer 2000

            Description:  This project empirically demonstrates that the current per pupil formulas

                                    used to fund K-12 schools in Minnesota produce severe disadvantages

                                    for small rural schools in the areas of infrastructure,

                                    telecommunications, and programming.


         Center for Rural Policy and Development Small Grant I

            Project Title: Making Difficult Times Worse: The Impact of Per Pupil Funding

                                    Formulas on Rural Minnesota Schools

            Source: Center for Rural Policy and Development, Minnesota State University,


            Award Period: Summer 1999

            Description:  This project empirically demonstrates that the current per pupil formulas

                                    used to fund K-12 schools in Minnesota produce severe revenue

                                    disparities that disadvantage small rural schools.


         Educational Development Grant

            Project Title: Establishing an Upper Division Research Methods Course

                                    in Political Science

            Source: Curriculum Committee, University of Minnesota at Morris

            Award Period: Summer 1999

            Description:  Introduced a new upper division course in methodology designed

                                    to familiarize students with the most common methodological

                                    techniques used in political science.


         University of Minnesota Single Semester Leave

            Project Title: Explaining the Assignment of Special Rules in the Postreform House

            Source: Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Minnesota

            Award Period: Fall Semester 1999

            Description:   Examined patters of rule assignment in the U.S. House.  Tested the

                                    claims of competing models of congressional organization.


         University of Minnesota Faculty Summer Research Fellowship

            Project Title: The Effect of Divided Government on Coalition

                                                Building in the U.S. Congress

            Source:  Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Minnesota

            Award Period: Summer 1997

            Description:   Summer stipend to support ongoing research on the

                                    effect that divided government has on the formation of

                                    partisan coalitions in the United States Congress.


         University of Minnesota Grant-in-Aid  of Research Program

            Project Title: Protecting Partisan Legislation: The Use of Restrictive Rules

            Source: Office of the Vice President for Research, University of Minnesota

            Award Period: July 1996-December 1997

            Description:   Supported research that examined the tendency of the House Rules

                                    Committee to adopt special rules that were more restrictive

                                    on legislation that passed out of committee with a partisan vote.


         Faculty Enrichment Project

            Project Title:  Bush Foundation Faculty Development grant

            Source: Bush Foundation

            Award Period: September 1996-June 1997

            Description:   The program pairs a probationary faculty with a tenured faculty so that

                                    issues that are chosen by the mentee can be explored during frequent discussions.  In addition, the Bush Foundation subsidized the attendance of both mentor and mentee to attend a Bush workshop.


         Educational Development Grant

            Project Title: Establishing Cyber-Sections in the American Government and

                                    Politics Class

            Source: Curriculum Committee, University of Minnesota at Morris

            Award Period: Summer 1996

            Description:  Converted my traditional discussion section into a Òcyber-section,Ó

                                    where students went on Òcyber field-trips,Ó engaged in Òcyber

                                    chat sessionsÓ, and completed their weekly assignments via email.


Faculty Grant to Internationalize Courses at UMM

            Project Title: Internationalizing the Study of Legislative Behavior: Moving Beyond

                                    The U.S. Congress

            Source: Center for International Programs

            Award Period: Summer 1996

            Description:  Revised my legislative behavior class so as to incorporate a more                                           comparative politics perspective.  Previously, I covered major theories

                                    Of coalition building and institutional structure as predictors of

                                    Legislative outcomes in only the United States Congress.  I expanded

                                    the scope to include non-American legislatures. 



            Research Assistant, January 1994-December 1994

            Project:  Worked as a research assistant on a $125,000 Hayes Foundation Grant

            evaluating the effectiveness of incentives offered to businesses by local governments.



            COPC Housing Survey Ð Working with the COPC grant to develop and implement

                        a survey that measures the hardships experienced by the rural homeless.


West Central Regional Sustainable Development Partnership Ð Currently working

                        to assist the region in developing a Health Care Purchasing Alliance (HCPA)


Morris Area School District Strategic Planning Ð With UMM students Ashley

Boucher and Katie Fitzgerald.  Worked with the Morris Area School District

to develop a strategic plan.


Lac Qui Parle Family Services Ð With UMM student Mollie Poehlman.  Conducted a

survey of families with Severe Emotional Disturbance (SED) in Lac Qui Parle

and surrounding communities as part of a planning grant for Lac Qui Parle

Family Services.  The survey examined the needs of families with SED children to facilitate more effective program delivery.


Herman-Norcross (H-N) School District Strategic Planning Ð With UMM students

Mandi Powell and Christie DeLong.  Worked with the H-N School District to

develop a strategic plan for their school district.


            Quality of Life in Morris Survey - With UMM student Bob Wottreng. 

Bob Wottreng's Honors Project used my Political Analysis course to administer

A survey to 400 residents of the city of Morris.  Results were presented to the Morris City Council.


            Morris Comprehensive Plan Ð With UMM students Ben Wallner and Tasina


                        Worked through the Center for Small Towns with to complete the cityÕs

                        Comprehensive Plan.  The Comprehensive Plan lays out a strategy of

                        growth for the city for the next 10 years.


Welfare Recipient Needs Survey Ð With UMM students Tasina Nitzschke and Bill

                        Fletcher.  Worked with the Southwest Minnesota Private Industry Council.

                        Summer 1997.  We administered two surveys.  The

                        first survey evaluated welfare recipients' needs, including wages,

                        employment, and child care, as they prepare to search for work

                        as required under the new welfare work requirements.  The second survey

                        was administered to businesses in the same six county area.  This survey

                        measured businesses' interest in hiring welfare recipients, types of jobs

                        available, wages, etc.  The results were used by the Southwest Minnesota

                        Private Industry Council to apply for a McKnight grant.



            Bremer Faculty Fellows Program Coordinator Ð Worked with Center for Small

                        Towns staff to coordinate the Faculty Fellows program.  Fall 2006-Spring



Minnesota Rural Health Association (MRHA) Ð Board Member (2007-08).  Elected

                        Vice President in 2008.


Minnesota Rural Health Advisory Committee: Developed recommendations for

inclusion into the report produced by the Minnesota Health Care

Transformation Task Force.  Summer and fall of 2007.


2006 Rural Summit -- Moderated a Panel of Legislators at the Rural Summit.

Conference Theme: ÒWorking Better Together for the Common Good.Ó Held

In Conjunction with the Symposium on Small Towns.  Held June 6-7, 2007 at the University of Minnesota at Morris.


            Morris Area High School Senior Career Mentorship Program Ð Worked with

                        Morris Area High School students to help them better understand careers in

                        politics.  Included job shadowing and personal discussions.  Fall 2001.


            Morris Leadership Ð Offered two hour seminar to members of the Morris Leadership

                        program on community assessment, Offered annually from 1999-2008.

                        Sponsored by the Morris Area Chamber of Commerce.



Health Care Bill Ð Delivered testimony to the Minnesota Senate Health, Housing and Family Security Committee on SF 330 (a bill expanding MinnesotaCare).  The bill was developed by the West Central Healthcare Purchasing Alliance.  The testimony was delivered at the Minnesota State Capitol on March 15, 2010.


Health Care Bill Ð Delivered testimony to the Minnesota Senate Health and Human Services Budget Division on SF 328 (a bill establishing a stop-loss fund for small businesses in Minnesota).  The bill was developed by the West Central Healthcare Purchasing Alliance.  The testimony was delivered at the Minnesota State Capitol on April 24, 2009.


Health Care Bill Ð Delivered testimony to the Minnesota Senate Health, Housing and Family Security Committee on SF 2902 (a bill expanding MinnesotaCare).  The bill was developed by the West Central Healthcare Purchasing Alliance.  The testimony was delivered at the Minnesota State Capitol on March 19, 2008.


Health Care Bill Ð Delivered testimony to the Minnesota House Health Care and

Human Services Finance Division Committee on HF 3409 (a bill providing an

appropriation for the West Central Healthcare Purchasing Alliance.  The testimony

was delivered at the Minnesota Capitol on March 18, 2008.


Health Care Bill Ð Delivered testimony to the House Health and Human Services Committee on HF 3243 (a bill expanding coverage of MinnesotaCare).  The bill was developed by the West Central Healthcare Purchasing Alliance.  The testimony was delivered at the Minnesota State Capitol on March 12, 2008.


Health Care Bill Ð Delivered testimony to the House Health and Human Services Committee on HF 3410 (a bill expanding creating a stop-loss fund for health care insurance).  The bill was developed by the West Central Healthcare Purchasing Alliance.  The testimony was delivered at the Minnesota State Capitol on March 12, 2008.


Health Care Bill Ð Delivered testimony to the House Health Care Policy Committee on three legislative proposals developed by the West Central Healthcare Purchasing Alliance.  Testimony delivered on December 17, 2007.


Education Bill Ð Delivered Testimony to the Senate E-12 Education Finance Committee on  SF101, a bill that would increase funding for small rural schools.  The bill is derived from a paper published by former UMM student Nick Maxwell for the Center for Rural Policy and Development.  Testimony delivered on February 5, 2003.


            Unicameral Proposal Ð Delivered testimony to a Joint Session of the House                      

Governmental Operations & Veterans Affairs Policy Committee and Senate Election Laws Committee on HF159, a bill to establish a unicameral legislature in the state of Minnesota.  Televised statewide.  Testimony delivered on February 7th, 2000.


Education Bill Ð Delivered testimony to the House K-12 Education Finance Committee on HF3831, a bill that would establish and appropriate a new budget category called small school revenue.  This bill is derived from the paper that I wrote with Jackie Edmondson for the Center for Rural Policy and Development in November 1999.  Testimony delivered on February 8, 2000.



            Anonymous Reviewer:

            American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting (Division L,

                        Section 4 and 5)

            American Political Science Review

            Journal of Politics

            American Journal of Political Science

            Political Research Quarterly

            Legislative Studies Quarterly

            Congress and the Presidency



            Galdesri, Peter. Understanding Political Statistics: Observations and Expectations in

                        Political Analysis. Taylor and Francis.

            Edwards, George, Martin Wattenberg, and Robert LineberryÕs Government in America:

                        People, Politics, and Policy(Brief 4th and 5theditions. Longman.

            Is This Any Way to Run A Democratic Election? Houghton Mifflin.

            WassermanÕs An Introduction to 21st Century Politics: The Image  of Governing

            Wilson, James Q. American Politics.  Houghton Mifflin.



                        Graduate Honors and Awards

                        Political Science Departmental Fellowship, University of

                                    California at Riverside, 1994-1995.

                        Regent's Fellowship, University of California at Riverside,


                        Dean's Fellowship, University of California at Riverside,


                        Certificate of Graduate Training in College Teaching, 1991.

                        Undergraduate Honors and Awards

                        Presidential Scholarship, Augsburg College, Minneapolis, MN, 1984-1988.

                        Honors Club Member, 1984-1988.

                        Political Science Departmental Scholarship, 1986-1988.

                        Mortensen Chemistry Scholarship, 1985.

                        Princeton Medical Clinic Scholarship, 1984.

                        Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities, 1988.



                        University of Redlands Courses Taught

                                                            First Year Seminar: Politics and Policy

                                                                        in the 2016 Elections

                                                            American National Government and Politics

                                                            Applied Data Analysis in the Social Sciences

                                                            Advanced Data Analysis in the Social Sciences

                                                            Public Policy

                                                            Advanced Seminar on Presidential Policymaking

                                                            Advanced Seminar on Judicial Policymaking

                                                            Education Policy

                                                            Health Care Policy

                                                            Policymaking in Washington DC

                        University of Minnesota, Morris Courses Taught

                                                            American Government and Politics

                                                                        (on-campus and online)

                                                            Political Analysis (Methods)

                                                            Legislative Process

                                                            The American Presidency

                                                            Constitutional Law: Civil Liberties

                                                            Constitutional Law: Governmental Constraints

                                                            Judicial Politics

                                                            Senior Seminar in American Politics

                                                            Housing Policy


                        University of California, Riverside Courses Taught

                                                            The Presidency


                        Curricular Innovations: 

                                                I have enjoyed success at integrating InterWrite PRS clickers into my classroom (see syllabi for integration strategies).


                                                I have taught semester sections of my Introduction to American

                                                Government class exclusively over the World Wide Web

                                                Between 1996 and 2008.  The course features streaming video

                                                lecture, an interactive discussion board, and office hours in a

                                                real-time chat room.


                                                My web course was featured on a CD produced by the University of Minnesota entitled ÒDistributed Education Exemplar ProjectsÓ.



                        Service Learning Faculty Fellow, 2006-2008

Received grant award and attended three weeks of service learning training during the summer of 2006. 


                        Master Teaching Assistant, 1992-1993

                                    Was selected from campus wide pool to teach new teaching assistants various teaching techniques. My duties included introduced new teaching assistants to their various roles and responsibilities, as well as consulting each new teaching assistant through the medium of videotape.




                        Ed.D. Dissertations Ð


                                    Matt Gutierrez (Chair)


                        Student Honors Committee Member Ð


                                    Molly Wiltshire (Chair)


                                    Angela Noakes (Chair)

                                    Lauren Sheram

                                    Jon Jackson (Race and Ethnic Studies)


                                    Melinda Davis



                                    Congressional Staff Worker

                                    Congressman Martin Sabo, 1987.

                                    Worked in Constituency Relations.  Wrote letter, attended town meetings with the Congressman, prepared daily news summaries.  Wrote extensive computer training manual introducing the office's new computer system.


                                    Campaign Worker

                                    Fall 1990.

                                    Worked extensively on successful campaign for Paul

                                    Wellstone to the United States Senate.  Major duties included campaign organization and mobilization.


                                    Minneapolis Community Action Agency

                                    Research Assistant, 1986.

                                    Co-authored a 400+ page document outlining coordination efforts among the city's social programs.



Public Policy Network Advisory Group Ð Fall 2015 - Present


Presentation to Ukrainian Students. Taught American Politics

Session to Professor Gerry GroshekÕs Students from Ukraine.

July 2015.


Keynote Speaker.  Redlands Republican WomenÕs Club Luncheon.

September 20, 2013.  Delivered talk, ÒUnderstanding the Millennial Generation: How to Incorporate the Youth of Today into the Political ProcessÓ. Held at the Redlands Country Club.


Keynote Speaker. Orange County Business Roundable. April 25, 2013.

Delivered talk, ÒAmerican Business and the Struggle to Control the Spiraling Cost of Health CareÓ. Held at the Pacific Club in Newport Beach.


Director, Public Policy Program. February 2013 - Present


Banta Center Panelist.  Corporations, Campaign Finance and the 2012 Election.  October 25, 2012.


Committee on Academic Planning and Standards (CAPS)



"American Legacy: The Ideal and the Actual" - Panel discussion of ideas addressed in Steve ShadeÕs adaptation PeÕer Gynt, with Pat Wasielewski, Professor of Sociology and Bill Rocque, Assistant Professor of Sociology.  November 2011.


                                    Chair, Public Policy Development Committee Ð 2011- 2013


                                    Sponsored Research Working Group Ð 2011-2013


                                    Council for Spatial Studies Ð 2011 - 2013


                                    Chair, Committee on Academic Planning and Standards (CAPS)



                                    WASC Steering Committee, 2011-2012


                                    University Assembly Steering Committee, 2011-2012


                                    University Nominating Committee, 2011-2012


                                    Fifteen Minutes of Fame Ð Presented an overview of the Dropbox

                                    Application. Sponsored by the University of Redlands Instructional

                                    Technology Services. February 1, 2010.


                                    Homecoming 2010 Mini-course Ð Taught a mini-course to 40 U of R

                                    Alums titled, ÒCauses of Budget Gridlock in CaliforniaÓ to alums as

                                    Part Of Homecoming Weekend, October 23, 2010.


                                    Waiting for Superman Panel Ð Participated on a panel discussion

                                    Co-sponsored by the University of Redlands Marketing Division and

                                    The Ed.D. program.  Over 250 people in attendance. October 21, 2010.


                                    Fifteen Minutes of Fame Ð Presented an overview of the applications

                                    And use of the iPad in higher education.  Sponsored by the University

                                    Of Redlands Instructional Technology Services. October 20, 2010.


                                    GLUMP Public Policy/GIS Team Ð Fall 2010


                                    Tinker Scholarship Coordinator Ð 2009 - Present


                                    Pi Sigma Alpha Issues Forum on Capital Punishment Ð

                                    Co-presenter (with John Walsh)


                                    "History Repeating?:  The trickle-down legacy of the Reagan-Bush

Years" - Panel discussion of ideas addressed in Tony Kushner's Angels in America, moderated by Steve Shade, Assistant Professor in Theatre, with Raja Bhattar, Assistant Director of Diversity Affairs, Emily Culpepper, Professor of Women's Studies and Religious Studies, and Daniel Kiefer, Associate Professor of English.  October 2008.


Making Public Policy Matter: Innovative Approaches to Engage

Students in the Study of Politics and Public Policy Ð Keynote speaker

At Redlands on the Road event held in Washington, DC.  November



                                    Committee Work:

                                    Comparative Politics Search Committee (Fall 2008)


                                    Grant Development Team (chaired locally by Diana Sinton) for the establishment of a National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center (STC), a joint grant application with the University of California, Santa Barbara, Arizona State University, and the University of Minnesota.



                                    Political Science Discipline Coordinator (1997-2001; 2005Ð2008)


                                    Pre-Law Advisor (1997Ð2008)


                                    Mock Trial Coach/Faculty Adviser (1996-2008)


                                    Campus Assembly Parliamentarian Ð

                                    Elected: 2006-Present

                                    Temporary: Winter 1999                  


                                    ICPSR Official Representative (1996-2008):

                                    Wrote the proposal for the admission of the University of Minnesota at Morris into the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR); Served as the Official Representative to the ICPSR.


                                    Committee Work:

                                    Chair, Research Review Committee for Chris Lee

                                    Chair, Faculty Development Committee

                                    (Fall 2003 Ð Spring 2005)

                                    Faculty Development Committee

                                    (Fall 2002-2005)

                                    Social Science Renovation Committee


                                    Minority Experience Committee


                                    Academic Support Services Committee


                                    International Relations Search Committee

                                    (Fall and Winter Quarters 1996-97)

                                    American Politics Search Committee

                                    (Fall and Winter Quarters 1995-96)

                                    Social Science Computer Purchase Committee (Fall 1995-Winter 1996)

                                    Instructional Technology Discussion Group (Winter 1995)


                                    TELEVISION EXPOSURE:

                                    KSAX Election Night Coverage Ð 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 (8pm to Midnight Panelist)


                                    RADIO EXPOSURE:

                                    Frequently interviewed by Dave Lee (WCCO), Eric Eskola (WCCO)


                                    MPIRG Panelist:

                                    Earth Friendly/Build Your Own Sundae Panel Discussion; April 1996


                                    LSAT Preparation Course:

                                    Fall 1996, Fall 1997,



                                    Association for Public Policy and Management (APPAM)

                                    American Political Science Association (APSA)

                                    American Economic Association (AEA)

                                    American Educational Research Association (AERA)

                                    Association for Education Finance and Policy (AEFP)



                                    University of Redlands Town and Gown

                                    University of Redlands Faculty Club



                                    Redlands Community Chorus




California Media

(Greg Thorson)






San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


Contra Costa Times

Politics in the 112th Congress


Redlands Daily Facts

Redlands City Manager


Riverside Press Enterprise

Charter Schools


Redlands Daily Facts

Charter Schools


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


Contra Coast Times

Health Care Reform - Federal


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


Redlands Daily Facts

State of the Union Address


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


Riverside Press Enterprise

Economy Ð State Economy


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


San Bernardino Sun

Health Care Reform - Federal


San Bernardino Sun

Conflicts of Interest Policies Ð City Council




Minnesota Media Appearances

(Greg Thorson)






Dave Lee Show on WCCO


Dave Lee Show on WCCO (Guest Host: Tim Russell)


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio


Interview Published in the Minnesota Daily on Faculty Salaries


Interview Published in St. Paul Pioneer Press on Delta/Northwest merger


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio


WCCO Radio Interview with Erik Eskola


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio (Guest Host: Tim Russell)


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio (Guest Host: Tim Russell)


Radio Interview with WCCO Reporter Bruce Hagevik


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio (Guest Host: Tim Russell)


St. Paul Pioneer Press article about Contacting Your Member of Congress


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio


Forum Communications


Dave Lee Show on WCCO Radio


Best of Al Franken Show on Air America with Lou Dobbs, Henry Waxman, and John Edwards


Cities 97 Radio


KXRA Radio (3 Hours of Coverage)


Dave Lee Show on WCCO


WCCO Radio News


Minneapolis Star Tribune Newspaper


KXRA Radio (90 Minute Interview)


Dave Lee Show on WCCO


WCCO Radio News


Al Franken Show on Air America (30 Minute Interview)


Wall Street Journal with Jean Cummings


Dave Lee Show on WCCO


Top Radio Stations in Minnesota (Arbitron Ratings)





News Talk Information



Classic Rock






Soft Adult Contemporary



Pop Contemporary Hit Radio






Hot Adult Contemporary



Active Rock



Album Adult Alternative



All Sports






Adult Hits



Rhythmic Contemporary Hit Radio



News Talk Information



